
🕑  104 min

Year: 2011

Genre: Thriller

Release date: February 10, 2012

Director: David Ruiz

Cast: Kuno Becker, Älvaro Guerrero, Carlos Bracho, Claudette Maillé, Alexandra de la Mora, Manolo Cardona, Emilio Guerrero, Guillermo Larrea, Kendra Santacruz, Carlos Kaspar.

Rated: B


“You know what it is not knowing who you are?”


Dr. Jaime Alexanderson finds a wounded an unconscious young man next to the door of his stateroom. When this young man awakes not even knowing its own name, Jaime decides to help him find his identity, getting inadvertently in a world of danger and conspiracy.

Being chased by federal agents, Jaime and the strange man try to rebuild its memory, before they get killed.
